In the Spring of 2020, Luke and Chauntelle, a small local family were offered the privilege to continue Ka Lae Coffee...
95-5656 HAWAIʻI BELT RD, NAALEHU, HI 96772
In 2013 Kate Haynes and her mom Marla MacCasland started a coffee shop called Ka Lae Coffee Flower Farm Café. For so many years this coffee shop was a place for the people of our area to gather and connect. It became an iconic part of South Point and the Ka’u region.
In the Spring of 2020, Luke and Chauntelle, a small local family, also friends of Kate, her husband TJ, and the MacCasland family got offered the opportunity to continue operating Ka Lae Coffee Shop. Luke and Chauntelle’s little growing family, and their families at large, felt so connected to Ka Lae Coffee Flower Farm Café from the many good memories made and time spent there. They absolutely loved the ambience and welcoming atmosphere that Kate and her mom had created for the community! Luke and Chauntelle wanted to see it continue and were honored to be a part of its storyline! They were able to find an amazing space in Naalehu to continue operating Ka Lae Coffee from. Over the last few years of running the Café, Luke and Chauntelle have loved getting to know the families and individuals locally, as well as those passing through that have been such a huge support in continuing Ka Lae Coffee. The Ka Lae Coffee Shop has now been able to buy and use 100% Ka’u coffee, that is grown locally on Luke and Chauntelle’s family’s coffee farm. The Café is now located in the center of Naalehu town, serving it’s community!